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12 Days Classic China Tour Plus Upstream Yangtze Cruise


Day 1 Arrive in Shanghai 
Local guide will meet you at the airport with holding a welcoming board with your names on it. On the way to the hotel, the guide will help you have a brief idea about Shanghai-- Oriental Paris, a commercial center and bustling port.

Day 2 Shanghai (B/L) 
Our Shanghai tour begins with the People’s Square; then Shanghai Museum, one of Shanghai’s landmarks. It has won a world-wide reputation for its collection of 120,000 valuable articles of Chinese bronze, ceramics, painting and calligraphy etc.  Afternoon visit Yuyuan Garden, where we can enjoy the harmony between human and nature and learn the actualization of Chinese culture in daily life. And then we will have an opportunity to explore Shanghai Old Street which brings us back to the old Shanghai 100 years ago. And a leisure walk along the Bund, where we can enjoy the gallery of different styles of architectures built at the time.

Day 3 Shanghai - Yichang (B/L)
Vist Jade Buddha Temple, which was built in 1918, following the architectural style of Song Dynasty with a precise layout and harmonious structure; it is a very important religious place for calming the heart and comforting the soul.  After lunch, we will take a flight to Yichang. Upon arrival at Yichang airport, we will visit the Chinese Sturgeon Museum. Here we can see the Chinese sturgeon. With a history of 140 million years, Chinese sturgeon is thought to have lived at the same time with dinosaurs, and it is considered as “living fossil”. Embark the cruise between 18:00 and 24:00.

Day 4 Yangtze River Cruise (B/L/D)
Whole day will be sailing on the Yangtze River. 

Day 5 Yangtze River Cruise (B/L/D)
Excursion to Shennong Stream (Between 08:00 and 11:00)
Shennong Stream is a virgin land with China's ancient and traditional custom, mysterious and charming local cultures, the flowery and purified smile, the open-minded and impassioned folk songs, and in the countryside, the comfortable lifestyles. Drifting along Shennong Stream by a small sampan to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and small villages is a unique experience for us. The mysterious hanging coffins on both sides of cliffs may also astonish you. It is an enigma so far by what kinds of way the ancient people raise these coffins up to that height of cliffs.

Day 6 Yangtze River Cruise (B/L/D)
Excursion to Fengdu Ghost City (Between 08:45 and11:30)
Fengdu is a city made famous by the ancient legends of sinister spirits and terrible ghosts that are the essential ingredients in Chinese culture, according to that, here is the place for punishing the devil and awarding the good. Apart from the sinister scenes in Fengdu County, the ancient temples are veiled inside the verdant forest; picturesque pathways are all around the countryside. The Shiping Forest Park, the Sanfu Virgin Forest Field and the Longhe Scenic Area are the great natural sightseeing spots in Fengdu County.

Day 7 Cruise- Chongqing- Xian (B/L/D)
Transfer to the airport and fly to next stop - Xian.  Pay a visit to Shaanxi Historical Museum. It has a collection of over 370,000 precious relics including bronze wares, pottery figures, and mural paintings in Tang tombs, etc. Then Grand Mosque, first built in the reign of Tang Emperor Xuanzong (685-762), the mosque is one of the oldest and most famous mosques in China. The construction and architecture are complete Chinese style.  Finally take a walk in the Muslim Street, see the most ordinary local life. 

Day 8 Xian (B/L)
Top of today’s visit is Terracotta Warriors, a must-see in China. The earth-made soldier and horse figures are taller and larger than the real ones at that time (about 2,200 years back). It took about 38 years to complete the whole project. After lunch visit Big Wild Goose Pagoda. It was here that Tang monk Xuanzang translated the scriptures he brought from India.

Day 9 Xian-Beijing (B/L) 
Arrive in Beijing, the historic and capital city of China. Visit Temple of Heaven, one of Beijing’s most famous landmarks. This was the place where Ming and Qing emperors worshipped the God of rain and prayed for harvest. Highlights of the temple are the Hall for the Prayer of Good Harvest, the Circular Altar, the Imperial Vault of Heaven and the Echo Wall. Afterwards, we will enjoy a rickshaw tour in the old Hutong and visit a local family to see how Beijingnese are living in these unique communities.

Day 10 Beijing (B/L) 
Today the first stop is Tiananmen Square of 440,000 square meters of area. It is the largest city square in the world. And then visit the Forbidden City which covers an area of 720,000 square meters and consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,707 bays of rooms, and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. In the afternoon we will visit the Summer Palace, the biggest and best-preserved imperial garden in China.  Afterwards, we will enjoy a rickshaw tour in the old Hutong and visit a local family to see how Beijingnese are living in these unique communities. After dinner, the evening program will bring us to Beijing Opera, a traditional Chinese art form that combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics. It is regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. 

Day 11 Beijing (B/L/D)
The full day exploration brings us to the world famous Badaling section of the Great Wall, the best preserved. It was the vital military pass and the important barrier, and protection wall against the minority's invasion from the north.  Afternoon, take an exploration to Changling of Ming Tombs, and then a shopping trip to the renowned Silk Street where we can find some souvenirs for your family and friends. In the evening, please enjoy the farewell dinner of Peking duck at Quanjude, the most famous restaurant for Peking duck. 

Day 12 Depart Beijing (B) 
Transfer to the airport for the homeward flight. The unforgettable 12–day China tour comes to an end.  

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